ThunderBird apply a filter to incoming messages in all IMAP folders including SPAM folder and other sub-folders

When you create filter in ThunderBird, you are able to manually run it on any folder and sub-folder that you want. But if you want it to run automatically when messages are retrieved, it will only run on the Inbox.

My host causes some of my mail to automatically be placed into a SPAM folder on the server, before I can retrieve it.
You can not use POP to retrieve mail from any folder on the server except the Inbox.
However, you can setup IMAP instead, which will allow you to retrieve all mail from all folders, including the server side Spam folder.

In order to get the filter in Thunderbird to run on all IMAP mail retrieved in all folders and sub-folders, including spam folder, you need to add a custom preference to the Config Editor.
If you are not familiar with how to access and use the Config Editor, I will leave it to you to research that before you continue, as I will assume you already know how to use it.

OPTION 1 – Turn this on for ALL mailboxes
Add a new STRING preference as follows (You must choose STRING and not a boolean in order for it to work properly):
and set it to:

OPTION 2 – Turn it on for a specific mailbox only
You will first need to search preferences for “mail.server.
You will then see that there are settings for,, etc
You will need to look for the name of the mailbox you want to turn on the filtering for, and determine whether it is server1 or server2 etc
Assuming the mailbox you want is server2, then
Add a new STRING preference as follows (You must choose STRING and not a boolean in order for it to work properly):
and set it to:

Batch Delete Bulk Delete Transactions for Quickbooks Online using Macro (Firefox Selenium IDE add-on)

The short answer is, that Quickbooks does not provide any way to Bulk Delete or Batch Delete transactions for Quickbooks Online.

My understanding is that this feature is only available for desktop versions of Quickbooks.

So if for some reason you have many transactions to delete in QBO, you will need to delete them one at a time.

I recently had to delete over 4,000 transactions, so this would have taken forever.

The work around is that I wrote a macro in Firefox using Selenium IDE to delete all transactions in any one register.

WARNING: This macro will delete ALL transactions in a register, including split and reconcilled transactions, so use with caution.

Once you run the macro, you will need to click on the first row in the register to get it started. Note that sometimes you have to re-start the macro a few times before it takes off and starts working.

Attached is the Selenium project file (a .side file) that I used. Download it, and then you can start Selenium and then choose Open Project and select this file:

Or you can manually enter each step of the macro into the Selenium IDE editor:

Command: open
Description: You can set the target to a specific register URL, otherwise this will select the first register in your chart of accounts.

Command: set window size
Target: 1250x900
Description: Set this to whatever works for you.

Command: execute script
Target: var c=0; return c;
Value: counter
Description: Set up a counter to count how many transactions we have deleted.

Command: while
Target: true == true
Description: Set up a loop that will run until it can not find anymore transactions.

  Command: click
  Target: css=.dgrid-focus
  Description: This will initially wait until you click on the first row in the register.

  Command: click
  Target: css=.buttonSection > .button:nth-child(1)
  Description: Click on the DELETE button for transaction.

  Command: store xpath count
  Target: xpath=//div[contains(@class,'message') and contains(text(),'This is just one part of a split transaction. Deleting it will remove the whole transaction. Are you sure you want to delete?')]
  Value: theValue1
  Description: Does this text exists in a message box? If yes, then we need to click YES button below. If not then skip the click.

  Command: if
  Target: ${theValue1}>0

    Command: click
    Target: css=div:nth-child(3) > .button
    Description: Confirm deletion of SPLIT transaction by clicking YES.

  Command: end
  Description: end if

  Command: store xpath count
  Target: xpath=//div[contains(@class,'message') and contains(text(),'This transaction was downloaded from your bank’s records. If you delete it now and change your mind later, you can add it back through the Online Banking page. Are you sure you want to delete it?')]
  Value: theValue2
  Description: Does this text exists in a message box? If yes, then we need to click YES button below. If not then skip the click.

  Command: if
  Target: ${theValue2}>0

    Command: click
    Target: css=div:nth-child(3) > .button
    Description: Confirm deletion of transaction by clicking YES.

  Command: end
  Description: end if

  Command: store xpath count
  Target: xpath=//div[contains(@class,'message') and contains(text(),'The transaction you are deleting has been reconciled. Deleting your changes could put you out of balance the next time you try to reconcile. Are you sure you want to delete it?')]
  Value: theValue3
  Description: Does this text exists in a message box? If yes, then we need to click YES button below. If not then skip the click.

  Command: if
  Target: ${theValue3}>0

    Command: click
    Target: css=div:nth-child(3) > .button
    Description: Confirm deletion of RECONCILLED transaction by clicking YES.

  Command: end
  Description: end if

  Command: execute script
  Target: var c=${counter}; c=c+1; return c;
  Value: counter
  Description: Increase the counter by 1.

  Command: echo
  Target: ${counter}
  Description: Display the counter in the log.

Command: end
Description: end while loop

Moving contacts from one CiviCRM wordpress server to another server with different domain name

I had to move our WordPress CiviCRM install to a new server with a new domain, and decided that I wanted to do a fresh/clean install on the new server, and then I would import all the contacts from the old server.

In order for this method to be successful, here are some things I that I had to consider:

– Make sure to update both installs to the same version of CiviCRM.

– Make sure to go thru the CUSTOMIZE DATA AND SCREENS options, and you will need to add the items to the new install (such as Custom Fields, Profiles, Activity Types, etc) before you import anything, so that they match exactly with the old server.

– The import feature of CiviCRM only lets you import one type of contact at a time (Individual, Household or Organization), so when you export contacts from the old server you will need to split it into three exports, one for each type of contact. Do not export all types together, as you will not be able to import properly.

– To start the Export process, go to Find Contacts and choose the contact type you want and click SEARCH.
– Then you need to select the box that says ALL XYZ RECORDS. NOTE: For initial testing purposes, you might just want to select two or three contacts instead of all of them, so that you can test them to see if they export correctly, and if they import correctly on the new server. If the export or import does not work as expected, then you can make adjustments until the process it working correctly.
– Then choose EXPORT CONTACTS from the Actions drop down.
– Choose SELECT FIELDS FOR EXPORT, and if its your first time, you will leave the Use Saved Field Mapping blank (unless you have already saved a Field Mapping you want to use), and click CONTINUE.
– Now comes the most work! You will need to use the ADD FIELD button, and add every single field, one at a time. Make sure to use the SAVE FIELDS button often, and name it something like all_fields_organizations, so that if you need to do the export again, you have the field mapping already set up.
– Once you have the field mapping setup, click on DOWNLOAD FILE and you should have a CSV file with all your contacts of this type.

– Now login to your new server, and to start the Import process, look for Import Contacts under the Contacts menu.
– Choose your Contact Type to match what you exported.
– For Duplicate Contacts choose NO DUPLICATE CHECKING (this makes sure everything in your CSV file is imported).
– For Date Format, choose the mm/dd/yyyy option with the 4-digit year.
– If you have already mapped an import, you can use a Saved Field Mapping, or leave it blank if this is your first import.
– CiviCRM will try to match up the Column names with correct fields, but you need to verify if they are correct or not, and adjust them as necessary.
– For example, I set the following Columns as follows:
Addressee = Organization Name
Display Name = Organization Name
Sort Name = Organization Name
Organization Name = Organization Name
External Identifier = DO NOT IMPORT
Contact ID = External Identifier
– NOTE: On the old server, the External Identifier field was not being used. So I am putting the old servers Contact ID into the new servers External Identifier column. This allows me to have a reference for the contact in the old database.
– Save/Update your Field Mapping so you have it for later and click on CONTINUE. This will NOT import anything yet, but will give you a preview of what data will look like, and will also advise you if there are any errors in the CSV file that need to be fixed.
– Click IMPORT NOW when you are ready to import. Again, I recommend you just initially export a couple of contacts and try importing them to make sure the whole process works properly.

When you import a contact in CiviCRM, both it’s Created Date and Modified Date get set to the date/time of import.
This last step may not be required for some of you, but for us, it was important the each Contacts CREATED DATE and LAST MODIFIED DATE remained the same as in the old database.
This requires a PHP script to pull those dates from the old database, and then another PHP script to update them in the new database.
In order for these scripts to work, it is important that we somehow associate the Contact ID from the old database with the new contact, and this where I set the Contact ID = External Identifier on the import mapping above.

This script will grab the Contact ID, Created Date and Modified Date of every contact in the database, and write them to a CSV file.

This script will read the CSV file above. It will then look at the Contact ID it read from the file, and see if there is a match in the External Identifier field. If it finds this match, it will then update the Created Date and Modified Date of the contact to match the old server dates.

I noticed that one my custom fields (text/notes) imported line returns as & l t ; br / & g t ; [spaces added so it displays] and then there was extra < br / > tag visible/showing up in the text.
What I did was run an UPDATE with REPLACE on the specific column in that table and replace it with blank BEFORE I ran the NEW SERVER SCRIPT below.



// This script will get the Contact ID, Created Date and Modified Date of all contacts and write them to output.csv
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost","db_user_name","db_password","db_name");
if ($mysqli -> connect_errno) {
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli -> connect_error;
echo "Connected to DB
"; if ($result = $mysqli -> query("SELECT id,modified_date,created_date FROM civicrm_contact ORDER BY id")) { echo "Number of rows found: " . $result -> num_rows."
"; if ($result -> num_rows > 0) { // FILE open $save_csv = "/path/to/public_html/output.csv"; // CHANGE ME ... Old server location wherever you put this script. Note that you have to move output.csv to the new server after its created. $csv_file_pointer = fopen($save_csv, "w"); // FILE Write CSV header $csv_data = "id,modified_date,created_date"; fwrite($csv_file_pointer, $csv_data.PHP_EOL); while ($row = $result->fetch_array()) { echo $row['id']." - ".$row['modified_date']." - ".$row['created_date']."
"; $csv_data = $row['id'].",".$row['modified_date'].",".$row['created_date']; // FILE Write CSV data fwrite($csv_file_pointer, $csv_data.PHP_EOL); } // FILE close fclose($csv_file_pointer); } } $mysqli -> close();



// This script will read output.csv file and then use the Contact ID from old database to look for a match in the new database External Identifer field. If a match is found, it will update the Created Date and Modified Date of the new contact to match the old database.
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost","db_user","db_password","db_name");
if ($mysqli -> connect_errno) {
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli -> connect_error;
echo "Connected to DB
"; $file = fopen('/path/to/public_html/output.csv', 'r'); // CHANGE ME ... New server location wherever you put this script. Note that you have to move output.csv from the old server to this new server. while (($line = fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE) { $extern_id = $line[0]; $modified_date = $line[1]; $created_date = $line[2]; if ($result = $mysqli -> query("SELECT id,modified_date,created_date FROM civicrm_contact WHERE external_identifier ='$extern_id' LIMIT 1 ")) { if ($result -> num_rows > 0) { //while ($row = $result->fetch_array()) { $row = $result->fetch_array(); $id = $row['id']; $old_modified_date = $row['modified_date']; $old_created_date = $row['created_date']; echo "FOUND id=$id with ext_id match=$extern_id :: old_mod=$old_modified_date old_created=$old_created_date new_mod=$modified_date new_created=$created_date"; // UPDATE here if ($result = $mysqli -> query("UPDATE civicrm_contact SET modified_date='$modified_date', created_date='$created_date' WHERE id='$id' ")) { echo " --UPDATED
"; } else { echo " --Error: could not update.
"; } //} } } } fclose($file); echo "
"; $mysqli -> close();

CallCentric VoIP Phone Provider Review

CallCentric VoIP Phone Provider Review

CLICK HERE for Official Site of CallCentric VoIP Phone Provider Review

If you are looking for a great VoIP company, I want to highly recommend CallCentric VoIP Phone Provider Review in this review.

They have very competitive prices, awesome service, and most importantly you can sign up for a FREE account and make unlimited free calls to other CallCentric customers for life.

VoIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol and basically means that CallCentric is phone service provider that uses the internet to make calls instead of using traditional copper phone lines. This results in huge savings on your monthly phone bill, especially when it comes to international long distance.

CLICK HERE for Official Site of CallCentric VoIP Phone Provider Review

For your personal phone, they can help you get up and running quickly with either your own device (BYOD) or can recommend different devices that have been tested with their service. And for business, they can help you with a simple single phone setup or with a complex PBX or Asterisk Server. They have several plans to choose from including pay-as-you-go and unlimited calling plans, and you can also choose your own phone number from a variety countries.

They have now also added new features such as IVR (automated attendants), SMS, multiple extensions, and more!

You have nothing to lose by trying their FREE service (no credit card required), so sign up today and you will not regret it!

From their website:

 Imagine you have a phone number so callers can reach you whether you’re near or far; walking with a mobile phone, at home or the office, using VoIP or a regular phone line. And even more, this number is not in the country where you live.

Sign up now for CallCentric VoIP Phone Provider Review and try it before you buy it for free.

CLICK HERE for Official Site of CallCentric VoIP Phone Provider Review

MediaServe Web Hosting Review

In this review, I highly recommend MediaServe Web Hosting, especially if you are looking for a fantastic web hosting company.

They’re prices are very competitive (plans start at $5.00 per month), they have the best tech support, and you can try their service with a 30-day money back guarantee which means you have nothing to lose by signing up.

MediaServe offers “ridiculously affordable web hosting and video streaming“, which includes standard hosting plans, dedicated ip, ssl certificates, domain name registration, business class email service, free site builder utility and video hosting which includes Live and On-Demand services with Flash, iOS, Silverlight and Wowza Media Server.

I can’t stress enough how invaluable great technical support can be when hosting a website, and these guys have some of the best customer service I have ever worked with.

You have nothing to lose by signing for an account with their 30-day money back guarantee. Click here to go to their site now:

From their website:

Ridiculously Affordable Web Hosting and Video Streaming. Family owned and operated since 2002. Superior service and support. We host thousands of websites for clients in 39 countries. Despite its growth, MEDIASERVE retains the atmosphere and close client relationships typical of a smaller company.

We have cabinets full of servers colocated at the new Corexchange data center on Henry Hines Boulevard in Dallas, Texas. On Sundays while our church clients are broadcasting live, we tend to reach our peak throughput of approximately 500 mbps, which is only 50% of our gigabit connection. We use multi-processor, multi-core Dell and SuperMicro servers with dual power supplies on separate power circuits, and RAID storage for redundancy.

At MEDIASERVE, we provide an ample amount of storage to start with–10 gigabytes–with additional blocks of 10 gigabytes available at $5.00/month (or less with longer billing cycles.) Because we have negotiated some excellent bandwidth pricing, we offer unmetered bandwidth, meaning you don’t have to worry about your site traffic causing bandwidth exceeded errors or overage charges. What you’ll find is that some hosting companies will advertise ridiculous amounts of storage and bandwidth. Take one of our competitors for example. They advertise 600 gigabytes of storage, and 6,000 gigabytes of transfer. That’s 6 terrabytes of bandwidth usage! There is no possible way they can provide that to every customer. They know that each website consumes a tiny fraction of this amount, and they figure they can use huge numbers to hype their services. After all, who doesn’t like more for less? However, if every one of their customers were to actually use that storage and bandwidth, their servers would crash and they’d be out of business in a matter of days.

We refuse to engage in hype. What we advertise is actually available to every customer.

We also offer other great features such as the ability to host unlimited domain names, either parked or as completely independent sites, on a single hosting package. Unlimitied emails and email forwarders, unlimited MySQL databases, PHP, Perl and Ruby on Rails scripting, Fantastico for automatic script installation, highly tuned spam filtering and more are standard features, included at no additional cost.

Sign up today and take advantage of their great tech support and their 30-day money back guarantee offer: MediaServe

Overcoming Kajabi’s limited api webhooks and automations with a piped email automation

If you use Kajabi and you have wanted to setup some kind of external database to track progression and/or some kind external automation, you will find that the Kajabi API and the Kajabi Webhooks and the Kajabi Automations that they provide are limited in nature.

Problem: We wanted to provide a customized certificate (with their own name on it) after they had completed and passed 15 of our courses. Kajabi limitations mean that we could not accomplish this, and it would have to be tracked and done manually. Kajabi only allows for a generic certificate (not personalized) at the completeion of each course, and there was not way to do one certificate after the completion of multiple courses.

The solution then (I thought) would be to use Kajabi API or Webhooks to send an event (“user passed a course”) to an external database and then I can could create a custom script to check when they had passed all 15 courses, and then generate the certificate for them. However, neither the API nor the Webhooks allow you get information about users passing a course, so this was not going to work either.

Fortunately, kajabi’s automations had one “trick” that we could use to get the information we needed.

Solution: We ended up using an Automation of “Send Email” to a special email address that we created. This special email address uses a pipe to redirect the email directlu into a PHP program that will then parse the email, pull the information about user and course passed and then store that information in a database. So now we have an external database that tracks all courses passed by users, and I wrote another script that checks the database daily and looks for users that have passed all 15 courses, and then sends them a certificate.

So lets use example course called WIDGETS 101 with a FINAL EXAM ASSESSMENT:
– go to Marketing and then Automations and ADD NEW AUTOMATION
– select send the email TO MY TEAM and use special piped email address you setup like
– customize the SUBJECT to: EXAM PASSED WIDGETS 101
– customize the BODY to: start|EXAM PASSED|WIDGETS 101|{{first_name}}|{{last_name}}|{{email}}|end
– APPLY the conidtion and SAVE the automation

The PHP script can now receive the email and parse the subject and body and get the info it needs to store in database.

Updating CiviCRM on WordPress

There are several steps when wanting to upgrade your CiviCRM install on WordPress. The official guide is here:

This is my simplified quick steps that work for me…

(1) Open browser and login to your CiviCRM install. Keep browser open during this entire process.

(2) Download most recent version of CiviCRM for WordPress onto your computer, and extract the civicrm folder from the zip/tar file.

(3) On your server, rename the /wp-content/plugins/civicrm folder to /wp-content/plugins/civicrmOLD

(4) On your server, move the /wp-content/plugins/civicrmOLD to /wp-content/civicrmOLD

(5) Upload the civicrm folder from your computer to your server into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

(6) Delete all the files in /wp-content/uploads/cicvcrm/templates_c/ directory.

(7) From browser, go to to start the database upgrade.

(8) After complete, check that CivicCRM is working properly, and if it is you can then delete /wp-content/civicrmOLD folder and files.